Our Clients



We helped our client Pandora Times Square & Pandora Herald Square  develop their online marketing strategy from the ground up. We began by developing a website for the store which serves as a hub for all digital marketing initiatives to lead to. We implemented a strong email capture program on the website and managed all email correspondence with the store's customer base of over 100,000 subscribers.

We then worked on the store's social media strategy from producing professional photo shoots for social media imagery to tapping into New York's top bloggers to visit the store and try on the jewels. We managed the store's social media accounts and CRM. By using various digital marketing strategies we increased the stores' social media presence by over 500%, grew the engagement on posts and created an overall look-and-feel for the brand's social media presence. 



Along with social media management we manage Anatoli's social media advertising as well as production and creative direction of lifestyle shoots.

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We developed a comprehensive digital marketing campaign to help garner True Gault's first 1000 app testers. We also managed the brand's social media presence and influencer outreach.

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Our team helped bring Rare Carat's mission to make the diamond industry through custom social media content and daily management. 



25 Years ago, MARIA CANALE began her journey in jewelry design with a passion for creating effortless works of art that withstand time. Today she continues her commitment to design timeless pieces that are rooted in love, authenticity and ease. Mathai & Co. developed Maria Canale's social media strategy from the ground up. We managed full production photo shoots for the brand's social media content along with creating custom graphics and videos for social media use. We also managed all of the brand's social media channels and campaigns. 


Dermarché Labs

Dermarché Labs is a new line of skincare founded by the industry experts who developed Restylane that launched last year and is available at retail giants including SEPHORA, SpaceNK, Net-a-Porter and more. The brand came to us without a social media strategy or custom social media content. We began by developing a social media plan with strategies catered to the brand's goals and demographics for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

We produced professional photo shoots to develop gorgeous photography that highlighted the use of products in real-life scenarios and lifestyle product shots for use on social media. We also developed a series of custom graphics to further define the brand's "look and feel" and engage followers. We managed all of the brands social media networks and help grow and engage their fan base and amplify retailer promotions and influencer mentions.



CSARITE is one of the rarest gemstones on earth; 10,000 times more rare than a diamond and one of the only five gemstones in the world with the ability to change color. Mathai & Co. manages Csarite's social media presence as well as content creation including full production photo shoots to capture the brand's designer collections and custom graphics to promote the brand's UVPs.